Doctor Who episodes - the first two doctors
# | title of story | # | title of episode | date | existence | comments |
1 | An Unearthly Child | 1 | An Unearthly Child | 23/11/63 | The Hartnell Years | |
2 | The Cave of Skulls | 30/11/63 | ||||
3 | The Forest of Fear | 07/12/63 | ||||
4 | The Firemaker | 14/12/63 | ||||
2 | The Daleks | 1 | The Dead Planet | 21/12/63 | excellent | |
2 | The Survivors | 28/12/63 | ||||
3 | The Escape | |||||
4 | The Ambush | |||||
5 | The Expedition | |||||
6 | The Ordeal | |||||
7 | The Rescue | 01/02/64 | ||||
3 | The Edge of Destruction | 1 | The Edge of Destruction | 08/02/64 | boring | |
2 | The Brink of Disaster | 15/02/64 | ||||
4 | Marco Polo | 1 | The Roof of the World | 22/02/64 | missing reconstructed | |
2 | The Singing Sands | missing reconstructed | ||||
3 | Five Hundred Eyes | missing reconstructed | ||||
4 | The Wall of Lies | missing reconstructed | ||||
5 | Rider from Shang-Tu | missing reconstructed | ||||
6 | Mighty Kublai Khan | missing reconstructed | ||||
7 | Assassin at Peking | 04/04/64 | missing reconstructed | |||
5 | The Keys of Marinus | 1 | The Sea of Death | 11/04/64 | ||
2 | The Velvet Web | |||||
3 | The Screaming Jungle | |||||
4 | The Snows of Terror | |||||
5 | Sentence of Death | |||||
6 | The Keys of Marinus | 16/05/65 | ||||
6 | The Aztecs | 1 | The Temple of Evil | 23/05/64 | excellent | |
2 | The Warriors of Death | |||||
3 | The Bride of Sacrifice | |||||
4 | The Day of Darkness | 13/06/64 | ||||
7 | The Sensorites | 1 | Strangers in Space | 20/06/64 | boring | |
2 | The Unwilling Warriors | 27/06/64 | ||||
3 | Hidden Danger | |||||
4 | A Race Against Death | missing | ||||
5 | Kidnap | missing | ||||
6 | A Desperate Venture | 01/08/64 | ||||
8 | The Reign of Terror | 1 | A Land of Fear | 08/08/64 | ||
2 | Guests of Madame Guillotine | |||||
3 | A Change of Identity | |||||
4 | The Tyrant of France | |||||
5 | A Bargain of Necessity | |||||
6 | Prisoners of Conciergerie | 12/09/64 | ||||
9 | Planet of Giants | 1 | Planet of Giants | 31/10/64 | boring | |
2 | Dangerous Journey | 07/11/64 | ||||
3 | Crisis | 14/11/64 | ||||
10 | The Dalek Invasion of Earth | 1 | World's End | 21/11/64 | excellent | |
2 | The Daleks | |||||
3 | Day of Reckoning | |||||
4 | The End of Tomorrow | |||||
5 | The Waking Ally | |||||
6 | Flashpoint | 26/12/64 | ||||
11 | The Rescue | 1 | The Powerful Enemy | 02/01/65 | ||
2 | Desperate Measures | 09/01/65 | ||||
12 | The Romans | 1 | The Slave Traders | 16/01/65 | ||
2 | All Roads Lead to Rome | |||||
3 | Conspiracy | |||||
4 | Inferno | 06/02/65 | ||||
13 | The Web Planet | 1 | The Web Planet | 13/02/65 | strange | |
2 | The Zarbi | |||||
3 | Escape to Danger | |||||
4 | Crater of Needles | |||||
5 | Invasion | |||||
6 | The Centre | 20/03/65 | ||||
14 | The Crusade | 1 | The Lion | 27/03/65 | Lost In Time 1 | |
2 | The Knight of Jaffa | Lost In Time 1 audio only | ||||
3 | The Wheel of Fortune | Lost In Time 1 | ||||
4 | The Warlords | 17/04/65 | Lost In Time 1 audio only | |||
15 | The Space Museum | 1 | The Space Museum | 25/04/65 | ||
2 | The Dimensions of Time | |||||
3 | The Search | |||||
4 | The Final Phase | 15/05/65 | ||||
16 | The Chase | 1 | The Executioner | 22/05/65 | ||
2 | The Death of Time | |||||
3 | Flight Through Eternity | |||||
4 | Journey into Terror | |||||
5 | The Death of Doctor Who | |||||
6 | The Planet of Decision | 26/06/65 | ||||
17 | The Time Meddler | 1 | The Watcher | 03/07/65 | ||
2 | The Meddling Monk | |||||
3 | A Battle of Wits | |||||
4 | Checkmate | 24/07/65 | ||||
18 | Galaxy 4 | 1 | Four Hundred Dawns | 11/09/65 | missing | |
2 | Trap of Steel | missing | ||||
3 | Air Lock | missing | ||||
4 | The Exploding Planet | 02/10/65 | missing | |||
19 | Mission to the Unknown | 09/10/65 | missing | |||
20 | The Myth Makers | 1 | Temple of Secrets | 16/10/65 | missing | |
2 | Small Prophet, Quick Return | missing | ||||
3 | Death of A Spy | missing | ||||
4 | Horse of Destruction | 06/11/65 | missing | |||
21 | The Daleks' Master Plan | 1 | The Nightmare Begins | 13/11/65 | missing | |
2 | Day of Armageddon | Lost In Time 1 | ||||
3 | Devil's Planet | missing | ||||
4 | The Traitors | missing | ||||
5 | Counter Plot | Lost In Time 1 | ||||
6 | Coronas of the Sun | missing | ||||
7 | The Feast of Steven | missing | ||||
8 | Volcano | missing | ||||
9 | Golden Death | missing | ||||
10 | Escape Switch | Lost In Time 1 | ||||
11 | The Abandoned Planet | |||||
12 | Destruction of Time | 29/01/66 | ||||
22 | The Massacre of St Bartholemew's Eve | 1 | War of God | 05/02/66 | missing | |
2 | The Sea Beggar | 12/02/66 | missing | |||
3 | Priest of Death | 19/02/66 | missing | |||
4 | Bell of Doom | 26/02/66 | missing | |||
23 | The Ark | 1 | The Steel Sky | 05/03/66 | excellent | |
2 | The Plague | 12/03/66 | ||||
3 | The Return | 19/03/66 | ||||
4 | The Bomb | 26/03/66 | ||||
24 | The Celestial Toymaker | 1 | The Celestial Toymaker | 02/04/66 | missing | excellent |
2 | The Hall of Dolls | 09/04/66 | missing | |||
3 | The Dancing Floor | 16/04/66 | missing | |||
4 | The Final Test | 23/04/66 | Lost In Time 1 | |||
25 | The Gunfighters | 1 | A Holiday for the Doctor | 30/04/66 | ||
2 | Don't Shoot the Pianist | 07/05/66 | ||||
3 | Johnny Ringo | 14/05/66 | ||||
4 | The OK Corral | 21/05/66 | ||||
from this point onwards episodes do not have names | ||||||
26 | The Savages | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
27 | The War Machines | 1 | ||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
28 | The Smugglers | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
29 | The Tenth Planet | 1 | good | |||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | missing | |||||
from this point onwards the doctor is played by Patrick Troughton and not William Hartnell | ||||||
30 | The Power of the Daleks | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
31 | The Highlanders | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
32 | The Underwater Menace | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | Lost In Time 2 | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
33 | The Moonbase | 1 | Lost In Time 2 audio only | |||
2 | Lost In Time 2 | |||||
3 | Lost In Time 2 audio only | |||||
4 | Lost In Time 2 | |||||
34 | The Macra Terror | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
35 | The Faceless Ones | 1 | Lost In Time 2 | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | Lost In Time 2 | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
36 | The Evil of the Daleks | 1 | missing | |||
2 | Lost In Time 2 | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
7 | missing | |||||
37 | The Tomb of the Cybermen | 1 | excellent | |||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
38 | The Abominable Snowmen | 1 | missing | |||
2 | Lost In Time 3 | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
39 | The Ice Warriors | 1 | ||||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
40 | The Enemy of the World | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | Lost In Time 3 | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
41 | The Web of Fear | 1 | Lost In Time 3 | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
42 | Fury from the Deep | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
43 | The Wheel In Space | 1 | missing | |||
2 | missing | |||||
3 | Lost In Time 3 | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | Lost In Time 3 | |||||
44 | The Dominators | 1 | ||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
45 | The Mind Robber | 1 | ||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
46 | The Invasion | 1 | missing | |||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
7 | ||||||
8 | ||||||
47 | The Krotons | 1 | ||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
48 | The Seeds of Death | 1 | ||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
49 | The Space Pirates | 1 | missing | |||
2 | Lost In Time 3 | |||||
3 | missing | |||||
4 | missing | |||||
5 | missing | |||||
6 | missing | |||||
50 | The War Games | 1 | ||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
7 | ||||||
8 | ||||||
9 | ||||||
10 |